Which two functions are provided to users by the context-sensitive help feature of the Cisco IOS CLI? (Choose two.)

Last Updated on January 12, 2019 by Admin

Which two functions are provided to users by the context-sensitive help feature of the Cisco IOS CLI? (Choose two.)

  • providing an error message when a wrong command is submitted
  • displaying a list of all available commands within the current mode
  • allowing the user to complete the remainder of an abbreviated command with the TAB key
  • determining which option, keyword, or argument is available for the entered command
  • selecting the best command to accomplish a task
    Explanation:Context-sensitive help provides the user with a list of commands and the arguments associated with those commands within the current mode of a networking device. A syntax checker provides error checks on submitted commands and the TAB key can be used for command completion if a partial command is entered.

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