Which two actions can be taken to prevent a successful network attack on an email server account? (Choose two.)

Last Updated on January 16, 2019 by Admin

Which two actions can be taken to prevent a successful network attack on an email server account? (Choose two.)

  • Never send the password through the network in a clear text.
  • Never use passwords that need the Shift key.
  • Use servers from different vendors.
  • Distribute servers throughout the building, placing them close to the stakeholders.
  • Limit the number of unsuccessful attempts to log in to the server.

    One of the most common types of access attack uses a packet sniffer to yield user accounts and passwords that are transmitted as clear text. Repeated attempts to log in to a server to gain unauthorized access constitute another type of access attack. Limiting the number of attempts to log in to the server and using encrypted passwords will help prevent successful logins through these types of access attack.

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