Which three layers of the OSI model map to the application layer of the TCP/IP model? (Choose three.)

Last Updated on May 10, 2020 by Admin

Which three layers of the OSI model map to the application layer of the TCP/IP model? (Choose three.)

  • transport
  • application
  • network
  • session
  • data link
  • presentation

    The TCP/IP model and OSI model perform similar functions. However, the TCP/IP model uses four layers and the OSI model uses seven layers. The layers in each model can be mapped to each other as follows:

    OSI application -> TCP/IP application
    OSI presentation -> TCP/IP application
    OSI session -> TCP/IP application
    OSI transport -> TCP/IP transport
    OSI network -> TCP/IP internet
    OSI data link -> TCP/IP network access
    OSI physical -> TCP/IP network access

For more questions and answers go to below link:

  1. CCNA1 v7 – ITNv7 – Final Exam Answers