What is the subnet ID associated with the IPv6 address 2001:DA48:FC5:A4:3D1B::1/64?

Last Updated on April 25, 2020 by Admin

What is the subnet ID associated with the IPv6 address 2001:DA48:FC5:A4:3D1B::1/64?

  • 2001:DA48::/64​
  • 2001::/64
  • 2001:DA48:FC5:A4::/64​
  • 2001:DA48:FC5::A4:/64​

    The /64 represents the network and subnet IPv6 fields. The fourth field of hexadecimal digits is referred to as the subnet ID. The subnet ID for this address is 2001:DA48:FC5:A4::0/64.​​

For more questions and answers go to below link:

  1. CCNA1 v7 – ITNv7 – Final Exam Answers