Linux Essentials Chapter 13 Exam

Last Updated on April 29, 2018 by Admin

Linux Essentials Chapter 13 Exam Answer

  1. Question ID 197

    Which files contain user account information?

    (choose two)

    • /etc/passwd
    • /etc/shadow
    • /etc/group
  2. Question ID 198

    Which user can view the /etc/shadow file?

    • The root user
    • Any member of the password group
    • All users
    • No users

  4. Question ID 199

    Which command will display the UID, GID and groups your current user belongs to?

    • id
    • who
    • whoami
    • about
  5. Question ID 200

    Each user belongs to at least one group.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False

  7. Question ID 201

    Which command will display the users that are currently logged in to the system?

    • whoami
    • about
    • who
    • id
  8. Question ID 202

    The sudo command allows regular users to…

    • …run any command as root, after providing the sudo password.
    • …run certain commands as the root user.
    • …run any command as root, after providing the root password.
    • …run any commands as a system account without logging in.

  10. Question ID 203

    The /etc/sudoers file should be edited directly by root using the visudo command.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  11. Question ID 204

    Which of the following commands will allow you to switch to the user, branch?

    (choose three)

    • sudo branch
    • su – branch
    • su -l branch
    • su branch

  13. Question ID 205

    The visudo command uses which text editor by default?

    • vi
    • nano
    • pico
    • gedit
  14. Question ID 206

    Which of the following commands will display the group(s) a user belongs to?

    • group
    • id
    • all
    • whoami

  16. Question ID 207

    Which of the following commands will display the groups that the user bob belongs to?

    (choose one)

    • groups -a
    • id bob
    • group bob
    • all bob
  17. Question ID 208

    The /etc/group file follows what structure?

    • groups -a
    • user:group
    • group:GID:user_list
    • group_name:password_placeholder:GID:user_list

  19. Question ID 209

    A GID is associated with a group name.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  20. Question ID 210

    A user can belong to…

    • Only five groups
    • Only one group
    • At least 16 groups
    • Only groups with a GID over 500
  21. Question ID 212

    Sudo privileges can be used to specify which user can use the sudo command to execute commands as other users.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  22. Question ID 213

    In distributions that do not allow the root user to login directly or via the su command, the installation process automatically configures one user account to be able to use the sudo command to execute commands as if they were executed by the root user.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  23. Question ID 214

    Which of the following commands will display how long the system has been running since the last boot?

    (choose two)

    • id
    • w
    • who
    • uptime
  24. Question ID 215

    The /etc/shadow file contains plain-text passwords.

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
  25. Question ID 216

    Which command can be used to view the /etc/passwd file entries?

    • getent
    • uppasswd
    • uptime
    • getpasswd