A Windows 8.1 system is unable to boot properly. What is the procedure to boot this system into Safe Mode?

Last Updated on February 17, 2019 by Admin

A Windows 8.1 system is unable to boot properly. What is the procedure to boot this system into Safe Mode?

  • From the command prompt run the shutdown -r -s command.
  • Run the MSCONFIG utility and choose the option Selective Startup.
  • Reboot the system and press Del or F2 depending on the system.
  • Reboot the system, press and hold F8 until a menu is displayed, and then choose Safe Mode.


    Safe Mode can be used to bypass failed drivers and other startup issues. To access Safe Mode, reboot the system and press the F8 key just before the operating system begins to load. Several advanced startup options will be displayed, including safe mode.

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